Tuesday, 24 March 2015

#PhenomenallyWired "The power in the weeds and seeds we CHOOSE to plant."

   #PhenomenallyWired ( www.coached2excel.co.za/bookings to book and make enquiries.)

#PhenomenallyWired is not just an event; it’s a brand exclusive for women. This brand will give you an experience to remember every time.

The #PhenomenallyWired brand is a platform to re-create, empower and pamper you, over and over again.

You will leave any #PhenomenallyWired event feeling nothing short of Phenomenal (because that’s what you are).

The 1st installment of #PhenomenallyWired is themed:

“The power in the weeds and seeds we CHOOSE to plant.”

      “What you think you become
What you feel you attract
What you imagine you create”
When we think of our minds as gardens, and our thoughts as the seeds, we realize that we are either growing weeds or flowers.
The second you say something, you create a physical thrust in the Universe, and you make it real.
The power lies in what you CHOOSE to affirm and re-affirm into your life. It really doesn't matter whether you want it or not, the more you think about it, speak about it (watering the seeds), the more it manifests (weeds or flowers grow).

In this installment of #PhenomenallyWired
“The power in the weeds and seeds we CHOOSE to plant.”

We will explore why and how the seeds and weeds we choose to plant have some much POWER, why and how these seeds and weeds play an integral role in shaping and reshaping our lives, how and when we pull out the weeds, and how we can plant new seeds to have our very own beautifully landscaped garden.

You are going to choose what seeds you want to plant, imagine what you want the seeds to become, then set out to water the seeds, and soon you will have your very own beautifully landscaped garden.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Positive Affirmations


You are what you feel. Life truly stems from your thoughts and emotions. Affirmations and the process of repeating positive words boost your spirit to new levels (you have to believe it does, and it will!) 

We must translate our thoughts into words and eventually into intention in order to manifest what we want in our reality. 

Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire our brains and have the power to change people's lives. Positive self-talk definitely brings about change in the mind.

Below are 10 Affirmations which I have elaborated on.

1) I Am greatness
By telling this to yourself and believing that you are greatness, it will eventually turn into reality. Focus on your vision and dreams and then attach the emotion to that vision.

2) Today, I am brimming with positive energy and overflowing with joy
Joy starts from within, not from the outside. When you find it within, you will project it to the world. Joy comes in the morning, make it habit to repeat this to yourself first thing in the morning.

3) I love and accept myself for who I am

Self love is the purest and the highest form of love. When you love yourself, you are able to appreciate, respect, and yourself. When you have confidence and pride in what you do, you will begin to see yourself in a new light and be encouraged and inspired to do bigger and better things.

4) My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil
A healthy body starts with a healthy mind and soul. When one suffers from negative emotions, the others will be affected. The number one cause for
your health or disease is YOU. You can remove and revoke all permission that you have given consciously, subconsciously, to all the ills of the world because you share that pain. You are conquering your illness and defeating it steadily each day.

5) I believe I can do everything I put my mind to.
Before anyone can believe it, you have to believe it. Say this to yourself every day, this is something that is so important for counseling yourself to stay encouraged. By saying this, you are able to do anything and everything that you put your mind to.

6) Everything that is happening now is to serve me for a greater good.
Nothing happens by chance. Everything as it is now is as it should be. There are no victims, no accidents and no coincidences EVER. They simply do not exist in this reality as you and others will only attract what you and they are a part of. So know from the bottom of your heart that everything happens for a reason and in perfect synchronicity. You are at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen. Your fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.

7) I am the architect and author of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.
You create your destiny, YES YOU. Every new day offers a fresh start and also makes an impact on others around you. You can make anything of that day that you like because you are the architect of your own life. Begin your day with a positive thought and feel it transform your day into something incredible. This works every time.

8) I forgive and let go of those who have hurt me in my past.
Your strength to forgive is what allows you to move forward and your reaction to any experience is a reflection of what consumes you.
You can forgive one thousand people and even if none of them forgive you, there will always be a sense of peace and freedom within you that they will never have until they share that sentiment. Your power to forgive them also instantly changes how they react to you.

9) I am limitless.
The only limits you have are the ones you create for yourself. What kind of life do you want? What is stopping you? What barriers are you imposing on yourself? This affirmation will help you address all of the boundaries.You are limitless.

10) Today, I create positive new habits.
Everything is seasonal. Change is constant. Difficult times are only a short phase of life. This too shall pass along with your old habits as you take in the new. You are a fully adapting being with creative energy which surges through you and leads you to new and brilliant ideas and the mindset that allows that energy to flow.

Go ahead and adopt this recipe for your success:

Gratitude + Positive Affirmation + Visualization + Application = Manifestation.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015


Begin with 3 affirmations. 
Repeat them to yourself throughout 
your day until it becomes a part of your identity. 
Then adopt another 3, and so on.


Thursday, 5 March 2015

Practicing Gratitude


"To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kindness that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude." -- Albert Schweitzer

The relationship between our thoughts, moods, brain chemistry, and the functioning of all other systems in our bodies is complex. Our thoughts can  and actually do trigger changes in our body that affect our mental and physical well being. What we think affects how we feel (both emotionally and physically). By increasing our positive thoughts, like gratitude, we can increase our over all well-being.

It is very simple for us to increase our experience and expression of gratitude, it just takes a little bit of practice. Albert Schweitzer notes in his above quotation about gratitude, that increasing our conscious awareness of gratitude may require that we train ourselves to think differently. We can do this by incorporating some simple exercises into our lives. 

  • Gratitude journals can take many forms, but one way of doing this is to simply write down one thing that you are grateful for each day. It can be something that happened that day, something you felt, or someone in your life who has made a positive impact on you. People who keep gratitude journals have been found live a more active and healthy lifestyle, feel better about their lives as a whole, and feel more optimistic about their day and upcoming week as oppose to those who don't.
  • Daily discussion of gratitude results in higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness, energy, and better quality of sleep. Grateful people also report lower levels of depression and stress, although they do not deny or ignore the negative aspects of life.
  • People who think, talk, or write about gratitude daily are more likely to report having helped someone with a personal problem or offered emotional support to another person.
  • People with disposition towards gratitude are found to place less importance on material goods, are less likely to judge their own or others success in terms of possessions accumulated, are less envious of wealthy people, and are more likely to share their possessions with others.

Express gratitude. Engage a friend or romantic partner in a daily discussion about what you are grateful for. This might take the form of questions like, "What was the best part of your day today?", or "What is one thing that made you feel really happy today?" This kind of discussion not only helps to increase your own awareness of all that you have to be grateful for, but can also promote positive connection and experiences in your relationship with whomever you choose to have these exchanges. 

For example, instead of having dinner with a friend or partner and talking about all the stresses of your day, this kind of discussion leads you both to focus on the positive things, which in turn helps the stresses feel less significant, and helps you feel happier when around your friend or partner. Basically, gratitude promotes gratitude.

If you find that you're very busy and unable to stick to a regular gratitude practice, train yourself to notice things, in the moment, that you are thankful for. They can be small things: maybe you notice that your bed is very comfortable, that traffic was moving on your way to work, that your lunch is tasty, that a good friend said something nice to you, etc. It is easy to take these kinds of experiences for granted and not direct our conscious awareness to them. Train yourself to notice these kinds of things and really feel grateful for them. This will help increase your own experience of happiness.

Whatever you think about or talk about will be drawn into your life. Thinking about what you are grateful for will draw more of that to you. This is the Law of Attraction.

Go ahead and adopt this recipe for your success:

Gratitude + Positive Affirmation + Visualization + Application = Manifestation.

Nicole Larissa Nelson