Tuesday, 24 March 2015

#PhenomenallyWired "The power in the weeds and seeds we CHOOSE to plant."

   #PhenomenallyWired ( www.coached2excel.co.za/bookings to book and make enquiries.)

#PhenomenallyWired is not just an event; it’s a brand exclusive for women. This brand will give you an experience to remember every time.

The #PhenomenallyWired brand is a platform to re-create, empower and pamper you, over and over again.

You will leave any #PhenomenallyWired event feeling nothing short of Phenomenal (because that’s what you are).

The 1st installment of #PhenomenallyWired is themed:

“The power in the weeds and seeds we CHOOSE to plant.”

      “What you think you become
What you feel you attract
What you imagine you create”
When we think of our minds as gardens, and our thoughts as the seeds, we realize that we are either growing weeds or flowers.
The second you say something, you create a physical thrust in the Universe, and you make it real.
The power lies in what you CHOOSE to affirm and re-affirm into your life. It really doesn't matter whether you want it or not, the more you think about it, speak about it (watering the seeds), the more it manifests (weeds or flowers grow).

In this installment of #PhenomenallyWired
“The power in the weeds and seeds we CHOOSE to plant.”

We will explore why and how the seeds and weeds we choose to plant have some much POWER, why and how these seeds and weeds play an integral role in shaping and reshaping our lives, how and when we pull out the weeds, and how we can plant new seeds to have our very own beautifully landscaped garden.

You are going to choose what seeds you want to plant, imagine what you want the seeds to become, then set out to water the seeds, and soon you will have your very own beautifully landscaped garden.

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